Much sampling yet remains to be done. In many spots the sandy top layer bottoms out at no more than a foot or less. Other places are much deeper. The ages of the various types of cans is a strong indicator that this was a hot spot since Post Civil War and prior to 1905 (when soldered cans were phased out and replaced with the steel corrugated variety that flourished during the Great Depression years requiring either a can opener or a "church key" to open and they in turn were replaced in the early 1960s first with steel cans bearing aluminum pop tops and then in the late 1960s with completely aluminum pop top cans). All of the above referenced types of cans are found on and adjacent to the Piggy Bank Placers claim. Note also that much open BLM land surrounds this claim. C'mon you adventurers, be the first one to discover a patch, a pocket or a pay layer. If in a sharing mood, then post a report of your findings here. If not so hot on sharing, then stay mum and reap what you can before others figure it out.