Hello All,
The November Outing has been rescheduled for November 10th. Veteran's Day weekend. With camping at the Pilgrim. There will be a port-o-potty. Access to the Red Chispa and Shotgun do require a four wheel drive. Clark can be accessed by passenger cars.
Donation based Breakfasts and Lunches Saturday and Sunday. Breakfast menu is Eggs, sausage, pancake, hash browns and coffee. Lunch will be hotdogs, potato salad, sauerkraut, and coffee. Suggested donation for the meals are $6 for breakfast, and $5 for lunch. A potluck on Saturday, 5:00 pm with a camp fire to follow. Please bring a side dish as your contribution to the potluck. And fire wood. The kitchen in my trailer is available for preparation of your dish.
PCSC will host skill based metal detect hunt with GOLD as prizes, 3:30 pm at the Pilgram Non members may participate in the hunt, once only, and must be invited. Call me to secure you invitation.
A map is to be found on our website, Login is required to access it. https://www.prospectorsclub.org Non members are invited, but must contact me for directions.
Contact me for more info.